4 Ways to Garden Big in Small Spaces

A friend of mine recently voiced frustration over the fact that gardening seemed near impossible in her apartment. It can definitely be frustrating to have the passion and drive for gardening but not have a good space for it. Let’s face it, a tiny herb garden in your kitchen window will only go so far. If I’m growing herbs, I …

3 Plants That Naturally Deter Pests From Your Garden

Nothing is more frustrating than planting a vegetable garden from seeds, cultivating it and watering it with unparalleled dedication and devotion, only to see a pest come in one fell swoop and destroy it. If you’re a backyard gardener such as myself, you’ve probably sacrificed significant quantities of any one vegetable or herb for a wide selection of crops. Hence …


Attracting More Hummingbirds With Seed Pacs

Hummingbirds are incredible creatures, mostly seen darting from place to place, often before your eyes have a chance to focus. On occasion though you’ll catch one pausing long enough to sip nectar from a flower, perfectly suspended in mid air, their wings flapping an astonishing 80 times per second according to Defenders of Wildlife. It really is a spectacular sight.  There’s …